Choosing the right garage door track is essential for homeowners seeking convenience, security, and curb appeal. Different doors work better on specific tracks, and certain tracks can work better for your garage’s layout. Steel City Garage Doors is here to give you a brief guide to different garage door track options and explain some of the most common model types out there.

Standard Lift Tracks

Standard lift tracks are the most common option for homeowners; you can find them in a range of houses. These tracks work with typical ceiling heights and offer the best balance of performance and cost-effectiveness.

Standard lift tracks operate by allowing the garage door to move vertically for a short distance before transitioning to a horizontal path along the ceiling. These tracks are ideal for residential properties that do not require specialized configurations. They are easy to install and maintain, making them a popular choice for many.

High Lift Tracks

High lift tracks work better in garages with higher ceilings or when homeowners wish to maximize vertical storage space. These tracks enable the door to rise higher along the wall before moving horizontally, leaving more room below for storage or workspace.

High lift tracks are particularly beneficial for homeowners who use their garage for more than just parking. For example, high lift tracks can provide the extra overhead space needed for equipment and activities if you have a home gym or workshop in your garage.

Vertical Lift Tracks

Vertical lift tracks are less common in residential settings but are an excellent choice for garages with exceptionally high ceilings. Unlike standard or high lift tracks, vertical lift tracks allow the door to move straight up and down without transitioning to a horizontal path. This design is much more common in commercial or industrial applications where space optimization and security are paramount, such as warehouses or parking garages.

Steel City Garage Doors hopes this brief guide to different garage door track options has been helpful and informative. Standard lift tracks are a reliable option for most homeowners, but high lift tracks are helpful for those who want to convert their garage into more of a workshop.

Let Steel City Garage Doors help you out if you’re looking for garage doors in Pittsburgh. We offer reliable and affordable installation, repairs, and other vital services. Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your specific garage needs.