Garage doors are more than just functional features; they’re an integral part of many homes and businesses. They offer convenience in your daily life while safeguarding your valuable assets from external elements. However, it is important to acknowledge that garage doors can lead to accidents and injuries if mishandled. These accidents can be big or small, but with the right knowledge, you can prevent many common garage door injuries.

Common Garage Door Injuries

Your garage door protects your home, serving as an important barrier that prevents weather, pests, and thieves from entering your home. However, to keep these threats at bay, the garage door is typically massive. When handled incorrectly, the garage door can lead to major accidental damage to your property or you and your family. These intricate and heavy machines can hurt you in a few different ways, as we’ll explain below.

Pinched Fingers

Pinched fingers are the most common type of garage door injury, especially among children. It’s easy to get your fingers caught when operating a garage door manually, leading to painful pinching and potential bruising. It is important to exercise caution and be mindful of finger placement when handling a garage door to prevent such accidents.

One common scenario where pinched fingers occur is when children are playing near a closing garage door and accidentally place their fingers in the path of the moving panels. The force exerted by the door can cause significant pain and discomfort or even result in more serious injuries like fractures or dislocations.

Strains and Sprains

Strains and sprains may occur as a result of the exertion required to manually open or close a heavy garage door. Opening a door like this can be especially challenging when the door is old or poorly maintained, making the task even more physically demanding. The repetitive pulling and pushing motion puts excessive strain on your muscles, increasing the risk of sprains and strains.

If you’re in a situation where you have to open the door manually, be cautious and take necessary precautions, such as:

  • Practicing proper lifting techniques
  • Wearing appropriate gear
  • Seeking assistance

By being mindful of these precautions, you can effectively minimize the chances of muscle strains and sprains while operating heavy garage doors.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious concern when garages lack proper sealing. When you haven’t properly sealed your garage door, carbon monoxide, a harmful gas emitted by vehicles, can infiltrate your living space. If this gas seeps into your home, it poses a significant health risk and can potentially lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

To avoid this, be sure to inspect your garage door for gaps and cracks that could allow carbon monoxide to seep in. Additionally, installing a carbon monoxide detector in the garage can provide an extra layer of protection by alerting you to dangerous levels of gas. Performing regular maintenance on vehicles, including checking exhaust systems for leaks, can also help prevent the release of carbon monoxide.

Broken Bones

One of the potential risks associated with a garage door accident is the occurrence of broken bones. If a garage door were to unexpectedly fall on you or someone else, the impact could lead to bone fractures, resulting in a prolonged recovery period and potential health complications. In some cases, the force of the door’s fall could cause even more serious harm, such as internal injuries or damage to vital organs. It is crucial to be fully aware of these potential consequences and employ the right precautions to prevent such accidents from happening.

How Can You Prevent These Injuries

These injuries are nasty, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them as a guaranteed effect of owning a garage door. With the right preventative strategies, you can ensure you and your family don’t fall victim to any of these injuries. A little bit of work here and there can go a long way in keeping your garage door in working order and preventing these unfortunate incidents.

Watch Your Children

It is extremely important to prioritize the safety of children at all times, especially when they are in close proximity to an operating garage door. Even when the garage door is in proper working order, it’s easy for a child to ignore standard safety rules that adults take for granted, putting them in harm’s way.

To keep your children safe and secure, it is crucial to provide constant adult supervision and never allow them to play near a garage door without the presence of a responsible adult. This vigilance helps prevent any potential accidents or injuries that may arise from mishandling the garage door.

In addition to watching your children, be sure to teach them about how to remain safe when around your garage door. With the right supervision and education, you can significantly reduce the risks posed by garage doors and create a secure environment that ensures your children’s overall safety and peace of mind.

Perform Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for the optimal functioning of your garage door. It is advisable to have a professional inspect your garage door on a regular basis to identify any potential issues. On top of inspections, you need to actually follow through with repairs.

With the right maintenance and care, you can ensure all components are in good working condition, minimizing the risk of unexpected malfunctions that can create unsafe situations. Taking these proactive measures will help you maintain the safety, security, and efficiency of your garage door system.

Install Safety Features

One important step to enhance the safety of your garage is to install advanced sensors that detect the presence of any person or object in the path of the garage door. These sensors can spot objects and stop the garage door’s movement or reverse it, preventing potential accidents and damage. By incorporating these reliable safety measures, you can avoid potential garage door mishaps that would endanger you and your family.

Seek Professional Help

If you encounter issues with your garage door, you should seek assistance from professionals to safely handle the repairs. Experts can address any issue thoroughly and efficiently, minimizing the risk of further damage or potential hazards. Safety is not something you can compromise on. Work with professionals to handle all garage door issues.

Garage doors play a vital role in your everyday life, providing convenience and security. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks they pose, as well as how you can prevent these common garage door injuries. These injuries may occur because something’s wrong, and you try to fix it yourself, injuring yourself in the process. Instead of going this route, it’s better to work with a professional Pittsburgh garage door service company like Steel City Garage Doors. We can fix your garage door issues and keep you safe.

Common Garage Door Injuries and How To Prevent Them